• hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com
  • +977-1-4986690

Organic Herbs

Satuwa (Love Apple)

Paris polyphylla Smith

Perennial herb about 50 cm high, rhizome hard, growing elliptically. Leaves petioled, in a whorl at the top of the stem, 14 to 16 cm long, 4 to 6 cm wide, lanceolate, long pointed, dark green. Flowers solitary, yellowish.


Bark of rhizome is hard, slightly brown and lightly white with ring like symbols. Inner part of rhizome is white, dissolves as dust when chewed. Small roots are also attached in the roots. Usually, rhizome is about 1 cm in radius and 5 to 8 cm in long.


Rhizome is used to kill worms and as tincture iodine in cuts or wounds. Rhizome when boiled in water and eaten, acts as energetic. It is also used as alternative medicine for diosgenin. Rhizome is also used as medicine for Jaundice.

Additional information

Essential oil containers available:
10gm, 1kg, 25kg or custom size

For further details and questions,

please contact HBTL.
Email: hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com

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