• hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com
  • +977-1-4986690

Organic Herbs

Sugandhwal, Samayo (Valerian)

Valeriana jatamansii Jones

Perennial aromatic herb about 50 cm high with a thick rootstock. Basal leaves long petioled, ovate, acuminate, dentate or sinuate, cauline leaves short petioled, opposite, small. Flowers white or tinged with pink, in terminal corymbs. Ramets numerous, intermixed, in cluster. Rhizome spread parallel to the ground surface, rooting.


Rhizome is 2 to 7 cm long, strong, woody in nature, unbranched, brown, scented very strongly, smells like animal, possessing fine roots, spot showing maximum leaf fall.


Rhizome and root have medicinal properties to relief from pain, heal wound, stimulant, sleepiness, anemia, gastric, digestive, expectorant, diuretic and killing germs. In Ayurvedic system, used in the treatment of mental problem, spinal related diseases, headache, stomach and eye pain, Epilepsy, Dysentery, high blood pressure related problems, Gastritis etc.

Essential oil is extracted from the rhizome and root of Valerian. Essential oil is used commercially in the manufacture of perfume, cosmetics or other industrial materials. Essential oil is also used to manufacture hair oil, perfume and incense and in the treatment of spinal related diseases.

Additional information

Essential oil containers available:
10gm, 1kg, 25kg or custom size

For further details and questions,

please contact HBTL.
Email: hbtlp@himalayanbiotrade.com

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